Rebelized Culture - the eMagazine/blog/vlog. Promoting Fearless Originality Globally.
Rebelized Columns
Sunday, October 31, 2010
The Imposing New World Order (13 of 16)
The Imposing New World Order (12 of 16)
The Imposing New World Order (11 of 16)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Imposing New World Order (9 of 16)
The Imposing New World Order (8 of 16)
The Imposing New World Order (7 of 16)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Imposing New World Order (6 of 16)
1REAZN's upcoming masterpiece . . .
- Trend Dodger Music Group/Rebelized Culture: a TRUE movement, not just a slogan or a statement. -
The Imposing New World Order (5 of 16)
The Imposing New World Order (4 of 16)
Monday, October 25, 2010
The INFOWAR . . .
There is a group of "elite" plotting and scheming and guiding us into "voluntary enslavement". They are using fear tactics to cause panic and insecurity so that people give up their rights and liberties in return for "safety and security". We are all being blatantly violated, and the madness will continue. Unless ofcourse we make the general public aware of such corruption so that we can band together to fight it and stop it before it's too late. Stay tuned, because this is going to be a subject matter of importance that Rebelized Culture is going to report on often.
Listen to and watch carefully for what's "really" going on in our world today. Keep your eyes, ears and minds open.
- Lex "1Reazn" Brown -
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Imposing New World Order (3 of 16)
The Imposing New World Order (2 of 16)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Imposing New World Order (1 of 16)
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Are you as sick of the bullshit on the radio as I am yet? All of this mindless entertainment is dumbing down our culture and allowing ignorance and bitchassness to become expected norms. I for one can't take it anymore, so i'm turning off my radio for the rest of this month. I do, however, see glimpses of hope in artists such as J. Cole, Wale, Kid Cudi, Janelle Monae, and B.o.B. aka Bobby Ray. When will we finally collectively shift our attention and support towards artists dedicated to their art versus entertainers intent on manipulating you as a consumer and getting you to spend all of your money and time and energy on them? We need a revolution, a REAL Movement to take place, a shift to occur fully, and we need it NOW before all of us true fans completely tune out.